Dealing with the death of a loved one can be extremely hard. We're here to help make a difficult time, that little bit easier.

Notifying us of a death

When an individual has passed, it’s best to let us know as soon as you can. We’re here to help support you through the process. You can notify us of someone’s death in different ways. Choose a way that is right for you:

Use our online digital service > click here.

This can be the quickest way to let us know and you'll receive electronic updates as we complete things for you.

Call our Customer Service Centre on 03455 212 414, Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm.

Our team will talk you through the process and next steps.

Write to us at James Hay Partnership, Suite 202, Warner House, 123 Castle Street, Salisbury, SP1 3TB.

What we’ll need

For us to begin the process of arranging death benefits, we’ll need:

At a later date, we may also need:

What happens next

Once we’ve been informed of a client’s death, we will:

What else do I need to think about

If there's a financial adviser appointed to the plan, we’ll continue to accept instructions from them (including trading), until we are notified in writing by all beneficiaries of the plan.

More detail on the process and things you may want to consider can be found on:

blue literature iconManaging your Beneficiary SIPP Guide

blue literature iconExpression of Wish Form

blue literature iconCertification of Documents Factsheet

blue literature iconDeath Benefits Factsheet


Emotional and financial support

Living with bereavement can be a challenging time. There are several charities and support organisations on hand to help you every step of the way. Find out more here.

Deciding what your options are when someone who has a pension passes away, can be complex. We strongly recommend you discuss how benefits may be taken, any inheritance tax (IHT) planning and expression of wishes with a financial adviser. If you don’t have one, you can find a regulated adviser close to you via the MoneyHelper website.