James Hay Administration Company Ltd

Complaints figures from 1 July to 31 December 2024


Number of complaints opened by volumes of business

Product/service grouping Provision (at reporting period end date) Intermediation (within the reporting period) Number of complaints opened Number of complaints closed Percentage closed within 3 days Percentage closed after 3 days but within 8 weeks Percentage upheld Main cause of complaints opened
Decumulations and pensions 23.13 (per 1000 policies in force) 722.43 (per 1000 policies sold) 1179 807 3.47% 78.07% 77.20% Delays/timescales

Decumulation and pensions: Decumulation is the conversion of pension assets built up during an individual’s working life into pension income to be spent during their retirement. These complaints relate to pensions, annuities and drawdown products sold by James Hay Partnership.

James Hay Administration Company Ltd

Complaints figures from 1 July to 31 December 2024

Number of complaints opened by volumes of business

Provision (at reporting period end date) ~ Decumulations and pensions ~ 23.13 (per 1000 policies in force)
Intermediation (within the reporting period) ~ Decumulations and pensions ~ 722.43 (per 100 policies sold)

Product/service grouping

Number of complaints opened ~ 1179
Number of complaints closed ~ 807
Percentage closed within 3 days ~ 3.47%
Percentage closed after 3 days but within 8 weeks ~ 78.07%
Percentage upheld ~ 77.20%
Main cause of complaints opened ~ Delays/timescales

Decumulation and pensions: Decumulation is the conversion of pension assets built up during an individual’s working life into pension income to be spent during their retirement. These complaints relate to pensions, annuities and drawdown products sold by James Hay Partnership.